Alumni and Staff v School Boat Races 2017

It was wonderful to see so many pupils, parents, Old King’s Scholars and supporters turn out for our second annual Alumni and Staff v School Boat Races.

Our Boathouse was buzzing with activity as all involved enjoyed the warm weather and some rather nail-biting races. Many stories, recollections and updates were shared over a wholesome BBQ which added to the convivial feel of the evening.

A touch of gravitas was brought to proceedings with the addition of two new trophies kindly donated by The Chester Association of Old King’s Scholars. These trophies are to be awarded annually to the winners of the Alumni v School First VIII race and Alumnae v School First VIII race.

The evening proved the perfect opportunity for our coaching staff to present current pupils with many accolades, awards and several Full and Half Colours.

Our new Senior Rowing Club Exec were announced as Millie Medland, Natasha Groome, Tom Ramsbottom, Amelia Standing with the new captain of boats, Jess Proctor-Crozier.

Max Wood was awarded The Priory Cup for attainment and effort during his first year of rowing.

Half Colours were awarded to Tom Ramsbottom, Rob Clark, Jake Kitchen, Jess Proctor-Crozier, Natasha Groome, Isabel Beardwood, Millie Medland and Amelia Standing.

Full Colours were awarded to Lora Hunt, Stanley Moir, Wilf Le Brocq, Charles Smith, Ben Samarji and Iwan Bulkeley.

Commenting on the event, Ant Hopkinson, the School’s Director of Development, said “It was fantastic to be able to host an event for our alumni who continue to demonstrate a fantastic amount of loyalty and pride for our Boat Club. It is far too easy for us, at times, to take for granted the opportunities that current pupils continue to garner as a result of the sacrifices and generosity of our former pupils. Our alumni are key to the ongoing success of rowing at King’s. I hope all who attended the races, either spectating or competing, had a thoroughly enjoyable evening.”

Everyone who has rowed at King’s shares common bonds. Bonds built during gruelling workouts and early morning practices, traveling to regattas, studying for exams and winning championships. These are bonds that can last a lifetime. Former King’s rowers are active in businesses worldwide and contribute to their communities at all levels. Several have gone on to race – and win – on the international stage.

The school is keen to continue to build upon the relationships it has with its former sports men and women.  It is hoped this event and other such events which cater for our sporting alumni will go from strength to strength.  If you have any suggestions then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

In forthcoming months, the school will embark upon the construction of a new £4.5m state-of-the-art Sports Centre. In due course we also hope to transform our Boathouse – this can only be achieved with the help and support of our community. If you’d like to find out more or donate to this worthy cause please contact our Alumni Office on 01244 689 494 or via email

The evening’s race results and a photo gallery are shown below:

  • King’s Staff & Coaches BEAT School composite crew (1 length)
  • Alumnae 1st VIII BEAT School 1st VIII Girls (by a canvas)
  • School House Regatta Winners BEAT Alumnae VIII (by a canvas)
  • Alumni 1st VIII BEAT School 1st VIII Boys (¼ length)
  • An Alumni 2nd VIII composite crew also raced against the School’s 2nd VIII Boys, the result was a draw!