A Monster Calls: Creative collaboration brings production to life

Creating the fantastical worlds of Conor’s dreams in A Monster Calls has been an exciting creative collaboration between the Drama department and Art, Music and DT who have been diligently working on set design, props and costumes. 

Elizabeth Melhuish-Bolton (L6BRD) and Alice Henry (5WAL) are two of the students who have been helping to create the costumes for the production, and they spoke to us about what inspired the designs and how they have enjoyed being part of a bigger creative process. 

Alice: “Having seen the film of A Monster Calls, I was very excited about the prospect of Drama, Art, Music and DT working together to create such a moving piece and I couldn’t wait to get involved.

“With the costumes, we were initially given a basic idea and then had the freedom to develop it in different ways using our individual creativity. We work together to try new things and we take inspiration from each other, which I have really enjoyed.”

Elizabeth described the most recent costumes they have been making: “We have been working on the ensemble’s costumes which have been designed to fit in with the woodland scenes, but in a way that will help the main cast stand out. This involved painting a moonlit forest scene onto the costumes, which was quite delicate work.”

Both girls told us that they have enjoyed being involved in the production.

Elizabeth: “It has been great to join together with so many other students to help bring the play to the stage. I have really enjoyed making the costumes, especially as I have been able to add my own creative ideas to the process.”

Alice agreed: “We have all shared our ideas, bouncing them off each other, and making decisions together. I have loved being a part of something bigger and can’t wait to see the costumes on stage.”

A Monster Calls will run in the Vanbrugh Theatre from Tuesday, 30 January – Friday, 2 February. Tickets are still available and can be purchased online now – https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/the-kings-school-chester/a-monster-calls/e-raqrda