Tall tales and fond memories at 1958 and 1998 reunions

It took more than the ‘beast from the East’ to deter 1958 and 1998 leavers from returning to King’s on Saturday, 17 March, for their 60 and 20 year reunions respectively.
After successfully battling through snow storms and chilly winds, former pupils were given a guided tour from current Sixth Form students before reconvening in the warmth to enjoy a presentation, including archive material and photos from their school days, along with some hearty refreshments.

John Allen, a 1958 leaver announced that he probably held the school record for eating the most prunes (126 in one sitting if anyone can do better?) He recalled how all the boys would pass him their portions which he readily devoured! Many other anecdotes and reminiscences were shared and the events were a huge success.

Our last reunion for this year will be held on Saturday 19 May for 2008 Leavers. If you’d like to join us, please call The Alumni Team on 01244 689492 or email alumniteam@kingschester.co.uk