Entrance exam advice for pupils and parents

We are looking forward to welcoming candidates to our Entrance Exam on Friday, 19 January.

We know that sitting the exam can be nerve-wracking, particularly for children who aren’t used to assessments under to test conditions.

James Millard, Deputy Head Academic, oversees the entrance exam: “It is important to us that every candidate feels comfortable so that they give their very best on the day.

“Our entrance exam doesn’t have any trick questions and it isn’t designed to catch anyone out. We want everyone to perform well and show us what they can do.”

Mr Millard has shared his top five tips for the entrance exam to help your child feel confident and prepared for a successful day:

  1. Work quickly but calmly
  2. For the Maths questions, use the rough paper provided for your workings out
  3. Read each question carefully – make sure you understand what the question in asking before you answer it
  4. Remember what you’ve been taught and the advice your teachers have given you
  5. Above all else, don’t panic! Stay calm and have confidence in your abilities. You might even enjoy yourself!

On the day, the main school is closed to pupils which means that there is a calm and quiet atmosphere throughout the day. One of the things children tell us is that they are worried about getting lost so we ensure that a member of staff or a Sixth Former stays with them at all times.

Mr Millard again: “Our aim is to get the best out of every candidate and knowing a little bit more about the process can help both parents and children relax.

“I would encourage parents to share this summary of the exam and interview process below with their child so they know what to expect on the day.”

  • Candidates will complete:
    • One 60-minute online test that will include modules in maths, verbal reasoning, comprehension and non-verbal reasoning. Each section of the online test is individually timed which means that candidates can’t rush ahead or get stuck on a question.
    • One 30-minute written English paper
    • An interview lasting approximately ten minutes with a senior member of staff. This is our chance to find out a little more about your child and their interests.
  • The three elements may take place in any order, and your child will have short breaks throughout the process.
  • The online test is provided by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM). Candidates and parents can familiarise themselves with the format of the online assessment by following this link

In our opinion, the best people to advise and reassure the children coming to sit the entrance exam in January are our current year 7 pupils so we have given them the final word!

“For me, the test being online was helpful as there were four different options for each question. This helped with my confidence a lot!”

“Leaving the school, I remember the first thing that I told my mum was that I think that I did well!”

“The test isn’t stressful as you have plenty of time and the teachers give you all the help they can.”

“I remember being worried about the test but as soon as I sat down it all disappeared and I just flew through it.”

“I was nervous about the interview because I wanted to make a good impression but they just asked me about my hobbies and what I do in my spare time. I actually really enjoyed it!”