Willow Lodge: play-based assessments

We understand that parents can feel a little apprehensive about our play-based assessments, so we asked Head of Willow Lodge, Margaret Ainsworth, to explain how we ensure that the process is as stress-free and fun as possible. 

She said: “It is important to us that parents and children are relaxed enough to enjoy the day and we definitely emphasise the play in play-based assessments.

“For us, the day is about getting to know the children and looking, in an age-appropriate way, at their development whilst they play.”

We keep the children in small groups for their assessment so that they are not overwhelmed and we also try to keep children together if, for example, they are from the same nursery. 

Mrs Ainsworth continued: “The assessments last around an hour during which the children will do a number of activities with our specialist teachers.

“Activities may include looking at a book together, playing with toys in the classroom and talking together.”

These simple but fun activities give our teachers the opportunity to see the children’s physical and speech development, as well as how they interact with adults and other children.

A common question about the assessment day is what parents should do whilst their child is playing. 

Mrs Ainsworth again: “It is our experience that children settle quickly and easily as soon as they start playing.

“Parents are asked to stay on the school site and are invited to enjoy refreshments with other parents and our Admissions Manager in a separate building.”

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Manager, Erica Sears, on 01244 689553 or by email admissions@kingschester.co.uk